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Here you can check news and articles about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Martial Arts. Whether you are a student, a parent of a child that trains Jiu Jitsu or just a BJJ enthusiast, there are plenty of useful information for you to read below.

Where to Find Martial Arts Training for Children in Shellharbour

Where to Find Martial Arts Training for Children in Shellharbour image

The rise of MMA has highlighted the ancient discipline of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The two things are not the same, but all MMA fighters know a certain amount of BJJ and use it to their advantage. If you are considering trying it out for yourself, consider the following hidden benefits of BJJ.

1. It is for everyone
BJJ can work for people of all ages and all sizes. It does not require a lot of height, muscle, or strength; countless BJJ champions have been on the small side. Many women have become black belts and have been empowered to overcome martial arts opponents twice their size with ease.

2. It's perfect for self-defence
BJJ was developed by Helio Gracie, a Brazilian man who was famous for challenging people to fight him with no rules. Over time, he used these street fights to refine the sport until he had created one of the best unarmed self-defence methods in the world. The goal, of course, is always to avoid fights whenever possible. However, should it become necessary to fight, BJJ gives you a much higher chance of being able to protect yourself. There is no striking in BJJ, so breaking a hand and finding yourself at a disadvantage is unlikely. You can also disable your opponent without doing severe enough damage to land you in legal trouble.

3. It is a full-body workout
This type of martial arts training is a great way to stay in shape. It offers a great full-body workout that is a fun alternative to traditional gyms. Even people who start out in good shape usually leave their first practice feeling like they have had a challenging workout. BJJ requires excellent conditioning and a unique blend of cardio and muscle work. However, if you are an exercise beginner, that's fine too. You will build the strength and endurance you need with regular practice.

4. It builds confidence
BJJ is an excellent way to build self-confidence. Possessing the self-defence skills you'll learn in class will give you the confidence you want in ways that other sports don't provide. Martial arts training for children is especially beneficial when it comes to confidence; it can help stop bullying and give kids the skills they need to stand a little taller and protect themselves if necessary.

Where to find martial arts for children in Shellharbour
The list of BJJ benefits goes on and on. Don't overlook the communal aspect, the thrill of healthy competition, and the fact that it's fun! At Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, we provide martial arts training for children in Albion Park Rail in Shellharbour. We have students from Kiama, Wollongong, Dapto, Gerringong, Geroa and many other suburbs close by. If you have ever typed on Google something like: Martial Arts school near me - you are not alone! Come see us for a free trial class!

We have more than 600 clubs around the world and over 22 just in Australia. Our club is number one in almost all Australian competitions, and we train a high number of successful athletes. We work to provide a welcoming atmosphere and real value for money when it comes to our training. If you are looking for martial arts for children in Shellharbour or even for yourself, contact Gracie Barra BJJ today and book a free lesson!