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Here you can check news and articles about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Martial Arts. Whether you are a student, a parent of a child that trains Jiu Jitsu or just a BJJ enthusiast, there are plenty of useful information for you to read below.

How Many Belts are There in Jiu Jitsu Classes and What Do They Mean?

How Many Belts are There in Jiu Jitsu Classes and What Do They Mean? image

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu follows a structured and standardised belt progressions system. There are six Brazilian Jiu Jitsu rank systems.

In addition, there are 4 degrees of belts  (otherwise known as stripes)  before the black belt and six degrees after the black belt. A qualified Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor in Jiu-Jitsu classes evaluates students' progression based on their age, time, and skills. According to the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation, a student needs to spend a minimum amount of time at each belt to progress.

White Belt – Building Foundation

  • Minimum Age – No limit

  • Minimum Time Needed at This Belt – Anything between 6 months to 2 years.

The white Jiu Jitsu belt signifies the beginning of the Jiu-Jitsu journey, and the main purpose here is to build a solid foundation and learn proper defence.

Blue Belt – Technical Proficiency

  • Minimum Age – 16 years

  • Minimum Time Needed at This Belt – 2 years

The blue belt means the student understands the basics of Jiu-Jitsu positions and that they have put in enough training that shows they are serious about it. Here, the student is not proficient but should be able to use their skills in a real-life scenario. 

Purple Belt – Game Development, Submissions & Experimentation

  • Minimum Age – 16 years

  • Minimum Time Needed at This Belt – 1.5 years

Once students get their purple belt, they become street proficient and have been trained enough that BJJ becomes a major part of their lives. The student will start to become more focused on filling the gaps in their techniques.

Brown Belt – Thinking Conceptually, Setting Traps and Strengthening One's Weaknesses

  • Minimum Age – 18 years

  • Minimum Time Needed at This Belt – 1 year

Brown belt means that the student is able to pull off positions and submissions quite well. It is the rank where everything is put together and you have a total understanding of Jiu-Jitsu. 

Black Belt – Teaching, Giving Back, Consistency

  • Minimum Age – 19 years

  • Minimum Time Needed at This Belt – 31 years


Often, people assume a black belt represents that the journey of the student is over, although this is incorrect. Obtaining a black belt in BJJ means the student has completed the academy's curriculum and is sound in all positions.  However, brazilian jiu jitsu is a highly evolving sport and the journey is never over. 

Coral Belt – A life dedicated to Jiu-Jitsu

Only achievable after 31 years of Black Belt. 


Kids BJJ Belts (From Age 4 – 15 Years)

There is another kids BJJ belt system for children in Jiu-Jitsu classes, and their age requirement is mentioned below –

  • White – None

  • Grey & White – 4 to 15 yo

  • Grey – 4 to 15 years

  • Grey & Black – 4 to 15 yo

  • Yellow & White – 7 to 15 yo

  • Yellow – 7 to 15 yo

  • Yellow & Black – 7 to 15 yo

  • Orange & White – 10 to 15 yo

  • Orange – 10 to 15 yo

  • Orange & Black – 10 to 15 yo

The Jiu Jitsu belts system of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu may seem confusing for beginners, but these are rooted in their traditions and take a lot of hard work and commitment to progress through it.