News & Articles

Here you can check news and articles about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Martial Arts. Whether you are a student, a parent of a child that trains Jiu Jitsu or just a BJJ enthusiast, there are plenty of useful information for you to read below.

How does Gracie Barra support children with autism and disability?

How does Gracie Barra support children with autism and disability? image

We understand that each child is unique and has their own special needs and learning styles, so we tailor our teaching methods to ensure that each child can learn and progress at their own pace in BJJ. We use fun and engaging techniques, positive reinforcement, and clear instructions to help children understand and learn the self-defence techniques in our kids program.

Gracie Barra Shellharbour is a warm and welcoming Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) school located in the beautiful city of Shellharbour, in Albion Park Rail, New South Wales, Australia. The school takes great pride in supporting children with autism and other disabilities through their BJJ and Martial Arts program.

The instructors at Gracie Barra Shellharbour are dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all children. They understand that each child is unique and has their own special needs and learning styles. Therefore, they tailor their teaching methods to ensure that each child can learn and progress at their own pace in BJJ. They use fun and engaging techniques, positive reinforcement, and clear instructions to help children understand and learn the self-defence techniques.

The Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program for kids at Gracie Barra Shellharbour is designed to promote physical, mental, and social development in children with autism and other disabilities. The classes are planned and personalized, and the instructors provide one-on-one attention to each child. The program's structure is progressive, with each class building upon the skills learned in the previous class.

Gracie Barra Shellharbour also provides a variety of other activities that promote physical and social development. These activities include games, team-building exercises, and challenges that require cooperation and communication. The program's success is evident, with parents reporting significant improvements in their children's physical and social skills, self-confidence, and self-esteem.

It is important to note that Gracie Barra Shellharbour's commitment to supporting children with autism and other disabilities extends beyond the classroom. The school is actively involved in community events and fundraisers that promote awareness and support for autism and disability-related causes.

In addition to supporting children with autism, Gracie Barra Shellharbour also welcomes children with intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities, sensory disabilities, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD):

Intellectual disabilities: Developmental disabilities that affect a child's cognitive abilities, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Physical disabilities: Conditions that affect physical abilities, such as movement, balance, and coordination.

Sensory disabilities: Conditions that affect a child's senses, such as hearing or vision impairments.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a child's ability to focus, pay attention, and control impulses.

The kids BJJ Jiu Jitsu program in Shellharbour is designed to be inclusive and accessible to children with a wide range of disabilities. The instructors are experienced in working with children with various needs and abilities, and they go above and beyond to ensure that each child feels comfortable and supported in the program.

The best way to know if Jiu Jitsu is the best sport for your child is to come for a free class here at Gracie Barra Shellharbour. Come see us in Durgadin Drive, in Albion Park Rail (close to Bunnings and the PetStock store) and look for a red warehouse with a big Gracie Barra Signage. We will welcome you with open arms and we look forward to showing your child how amazing BJJ is.